A successful job search ends with a job that matches professional goals and personal values. Yet all too often, personal values are overlooked in the search for a job. Today Live Coach Patricia Klingler explains why it’s important to find the right match, and how to do it. Read More
Networking No-Nos
Successful job seekers work hard to grow their network. So the last thing any job seeker wants to do is ruin a first impression or annoy contacts with blunders or missteps. To have a robust and thriving network, it’s critical you treat your contacts right, building good will with every encounter. Read More
Interview Fail: Signs Your Interview is Not Going Well
Most job seekers have had the experience of coming out of an interview feeling it went great, only to learn later that it did not. There are ways to tell an interview is not going well, and ways to correct on the spot in hopes of a better outcome. Read More
Job Search Magic Combination: Optimism and Action
A positive mindset is critical to job search success. Optimism and confidence come through in every job search related communication and interaction, from networking to cover letters to interviewing. The winning combination is optimism coupled with action. Read More
Handling Rejection
Virtually every job search involves rejection. It’s typical to apply and interview for many jobs before finding a great match and getting hired. While it’s not fun to be turned down, it is an opportunity to grow.
It’s ideal if you can get direct feedback about why you were not selected. Here are some people you should ask: Read More
Troubleshooting Tuesday: Why Aren’t You Making Progress?
Troubleshooting your job search is a sure fire way to figure out what is working, and fix what is not. But what if you’ve addressed your networking, resume, interviewing skills and more, but are not making the progress you would like? It could be your job search is stalling around how you focus your efforts. Use these questions to figure out if you need a different focus:
Baseball’s Lessons for Job Seekers
Baseball’s World Series is an exciting celebration of the sport known as America’s Pastime. It marks the end of a long, hard-fought season played out on fields and in stadiums across the country. Believe it or not, baseball holds a number of great lessons for job seekers:
Is Networking Your Problem?
Are you struggling to find job leads? If so, it’s possible you are not doing enough networking. Many job seekers rely too much on advertised jobs and not enough on networking. Recruiters are relying less and less on job boards and other traditional sources to advertise job openings. The hidden job market, often discovered through networking, is a stronger way to uncover opportunities.
Is Your Job Search Target Unrealistic?
If you are finding it difficult to locate any open positions at all in your targeted area, it may be that you have picked too small a target. Job searchers today are particularly challenged because there are many job areas that have greatly diminished due to changes in the market and economy. If you are targeting such an area, it’s time to widen your target.