Category: Personal support

The Art of Telling An Effective Story

Preparing for an interview can be an exhaustive process.  Do you have the proper wardrobe? Do you know how to get to the office?  Do you know every piece of your resume and why you put it on there?  If you have all of this down, you probably feel pretty prepared, but you forgot something.  Do you have effective stories to tell? Read More

Tips for Navigating a Career Transition

Today our guest blogger is Amy Nicole. Amy is a freelance writer for Incepture, a Florida based staffing agency serving Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville and Miami.  You can follow Incepture on Twitter @incepture.

In February 2009, I received my pink slip.

I had just started my job five months prior, uprooting my life in Florida to move to the unknown land of Washington, DC. Read More

Staying Positive During Your Job Search

Having a positive mindset is important in your job search.  However, job search length has become much longer in the past few years no matter you are trying to change your job or are currently out of work.  It’s understandable for job seekers to get discouraged after job hunting for a while, but without results.  Keeping a positive mindset constantly will be important during this time period.  Read More

What to Do When You Don’t Know What You Want to Do

My friend Sara went to school for graphic design and now has a job as a marketing designer. My friend Joe majored in computer science and just got a software development job earning six figures. My friend Michelle studied environmental science and just got into one of the nation’s top forestry science graduate programs.

They are a minority among my friends from college – they knew what they wanted to do going into school, and now they’re doing it.  Most of my friends who have graduated still have no idea what they want to do. Their diplomas are just a reminder of the thousands of dollars in student loans they owe, with no fulfilling job and no paycheck. Read More

When You Don’t Get Your Dream Job

When I was in my late teens, my dad took me out to buy my first car. We found the perfect one, a rust colored Ford Pinto hatchback. (Does this date me at all?)  I was so excited, but on the way to take a second look and make an offer, my dad said, “Never fall in love with the car.  You want a great car, and you are going to have a great car. There are lots of them out there. But don’t think THIS car is the perfect one, the only one that will make you happy.”  Of course I fell in love with the car and my dad had to drag me away when we couldn’t reach an agreement with the salesman. Later we ended up buying a Pinto station wagon. In my mind, it wasn’t nearly as cool as the hatchback and the color (“flesh” as we called it) was nowhere as awesome as the rust. But in time I saw it was rather ideal, the station wagon offering much greater cargo space during my frequent moves in those years. Read More

Countdown to 2012 for Job Seekers

During the holiday season, December is a time of anticipation and surprises.  Some are counting down to a special holiday; others eagerly await the New Year.  However, for many job seekers, December may feel like an inactive time. But there is actually a lot you can be doing this month that will pay off in the New Year.

As part of the fun and excitement, Jobfully is offering “Countdown to the New Year” – a month of daily surprises and activities to launch you into 2012 ready to land that job you want. Read More