“7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a classic and highly recommended book, for anyone looking for an increased sense of purpose, efficiency and effectiveness. The principles in the book apply in the workplace, at home, in school and to job search. Each of the seven habits has very direct applications and relevancy to job search: Read More
Staying Positive During Your Job Search
Having a positive mindset is important in your job search. However, job search length has become much longer in the past few years no matter you are trying to change your job or are currently out of work. It’s understandable for job seekers to get discouraged after job hunting for a while, but without results. Keeping a positive mindset constantly will be important during this time period. Read More
How to Use Your Stress in Job Search
Are you stressed about your job search? Do you feel you don’t have enough time to tackle your to-dos? Does the challenge of finding a job seem overwhelming?
Many people assume that being stressed impede with their capability to function effectively, not to mention performing at a higher level than usual. Well, think again. It turns out being stressed might actually be helpful to you. According to an article in Harvard Business Review, there are ways to actually make your stress work FOR you. Read More
When You Don’t Get Your Dream Job
When I was in my late teens, my dad took me out to buy my first car. We found the perfect one, a rust colored Ford Pinto hatchback. (Does this date me at all?) I was so excited, but on the way to take a second look and make an offer, my dad said, “Never fall in love with the car. You want a great car, and you are going to have a great car. There are lots of them out there. But don’t think THIS car is the perfect one, the only one that will make you happy.” Of course I fell in love with the car and my dad had to drag me away when we couldn’t reach an agreement with the salesman. Later we ended up buying a Pinto station wagon. In my mind, it wasn’t nearly as cool as the hatchback and the color (“flesh” as we called it) was nowhere as awesome as the rust. But in time I saw it was rather ideal, the station wagon offering much greater cargo space during my frequent moves in those years. Read More
Frustrating Job Search? Don’t Play the Blame Game
When you face a job search setback, such as not getting hired after an interview, where do you place the blame? The economy? Your age, race or gender? The foolishness of hiring managers? Blaming external factors over which you have little control may be convenient, but it probably does little to Read More
Are You Coming Across as Old?
Ask 40+, 50+ and 60+ job seekers and most will tell you they do not feel old. Yet even with resumes free of dates, hiring managers say some mature workers simply come across as “old”, making them less likely to be hired. Of course age discrimination is illegal. What these hiring managers are talking about is not discriminating based on date of birth, but rather preferring to avoid candidates who have traits and attitudes that make them seem out of touch, difficult to work with, unwilling to learn new skills or lacking in long term potential. Awareness of these conscious and unconscious messages can help job seekers of all ages come across better in every communication. Read More
Thankfulness for Job Seekers
If you’ve lost your job or faced a long job search, it may feel like there is little to be thankful for. But thankfulness, the conscious awareness of the good in our lives, is vital to keeping a positive mindset. A Wall Street Journal article reports that research shows thankfulness has actually been proven to be good for both your physical and mental health. With Thanksgiving this week, it’s a good time to consider some of the things most job seekers can give thanks for. Read More
Keeping A Positive Mind During Your Job Search
One of the biggest factors in a successful job search is mindset. Anger, frustration and discouragement can cause a job search to fizzle. Optimism, enthusiasm and an open mind will take job seekers in the direction of new and fulfilling work. Here are some things to do to keep a positive mindset. Read More
Job Search Magic Combination: Optimism and Action
A positive mindset is critical to job search success. Optimism and confidence come through in every job search related communication and interaction, from networking to cover letters to interviewing. The winning combination is optimism coupled with action. Read More
Job Search Strategies for Mature Workers
Being over 50 and looking for work can be a scary proposition. A New York Times article details the fears and realities of looking for work at a time in life when many expected to be thinking their upcoming retirement, not job search. Although the article painted a grim picture, the reality is, a job search at 50+ does not have to be frustrating or fruitless. There is a great deal mature workers can do to make the most of the opportunity and end up with fulfilling employment. Read More