Many job seekers notice a slowdown in openings, interviews, and hires during the warm weeks of August. Hiring managers and recruiters may be on vacation and it can feel like not much is happening. If you’ve noticed this, don’t let it discourage you and do not put your job search on hold. Read More
Goal Setting For Your Job Search
A recent blog focused on “spring cleaning” your job search. To help with this process of revitalization, here are some ways to set goals to keep your job search efficient and productive.
Getting the Most Out of Your Internship: Goal Setting
Internships are an increasingly important way for job seekers to gain experience, master new skills and position themselves in the job market. To optimize your internship, it’s important to have specific goals and a plan for meeting them. At the highest level, your goals are: gaining valuable experience and growing your network. But once you’ve determined where you’ll be spending your internship, you need to go deeper.
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Break Your Addiction to Job Boards
Fortune Magazine has made it official: Job Boards are not the most effective way for most people to find employment. The article notes it would be more effective to have lunch with one good contact than to send 50 resumes for openings through job boards. Read More
Does Retraining Pay Off?
A lot of job seekers are wisely using their transitional time to seek new skills, certifications and competencies. Whether shifting to a new field or shoring up abilities in an old one, it makes sense never to stop learning and growing. Read More
The Myth of Multitasking: How to Manage Tasks in Your Job Search
Multitasking is a modern myth that needs to be busted. Technology enables us to be connected 24/7 to a variety of channels. Don’t be tempted by the illusion of the hyper-productivity of multitasking. The biological structure of our brain reveals just how little we can actually multitask.
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Making the Most of Each Day in Your Job Search
“I’ve lost my structure,” Shannon sighed. “When I was working, the day, the week, and the month had a built-in structure. There were activities I knew I had to complete, deadlines, and accountability. Now the days are free-form. I’m not sure what to do next and I feel like I’m spinning my wheels.” Two months into a job search, Shannon’s feelings are very common.
The work-world often makes it very easy to stay on track. Read More
Supporting The Job Seeker In Your Life
Unemployment can be hard on couples. Economic stress along with the emotional impact of job loss can take a toll on everyone in the family. Partners of job-seekers play an important role in managing this challenging time and creating a positive environment in the household. Read More
The Answer to Job Boards?
A beta release of a new network of web sites is causing a buzz in the job search community. It’s a new URL extension, .jobs. Some have speculated it could wipe out the need for other job boards.
This new extension is backed by a large number of companies, and allows employers to post jobs and job seekers to search for jobs for free. It has a pretty robust search feature allowing you to search by job, region or company. For example: Read More
When Your Job is Looking for a Job
If you are between jobs, people probably assume you have lots of free time. But the truth is, if you’re actively seeking a new job, you should be pretty busy. Here are some ways to bring organization and discipline to the job of looking for a job.
Set up workspace. Organize your papers, have a place for your computer, good lighting and a comfortable chair. If possible, pleasant, quiet workspace set away from the rest of the home is ideal. But, if your workspace is the kitchen table, that’s OK, too. Just set it up for function and efficiency and be clear with yourself that, when you’re sitting there, you’re at work.