Author: Kimberly Beatty, Jobfully Online Content and Marketing

Volunteer Work: Your Job Search Secret Path

Volunteering can be a significant leg up in your job search.  An ariticle in Fast Company, Volunteering Will Save Your Career (Or Put You In A New One), showed that 20% of hiring managers make decision based on volunteer work.  It can serve the same basic function as an internship: it can grow your network and give you additional experience to put on your résumé. Read More

Recognizing Unique Networking Opportunities

Are you taking advantage of networking opportunities in your everyday life? You encounter these opportunities often but may miss them because they are not strictly job related.  Any community where you have built a reputation is an opportunity to network – don’t let your best networking opportunities get away from you because haven’t recognized them as such. Read More

Wrapping Up an Internship

It’s the time of year when many students are wrapping up their internships and preparing to return to school. As my summer with Jobfully wraps up, I’ve been thinking about the best way to leave an internship.  As you depart, you need to position yourself for your future, and you want leave your employer with a very positive impression of you. Read More

LinkedIn: Better Late Than Never

LinkedIn is one of the best resources a job seeker can access.  Many reports have shown that recruiters are planning to scale back use of job boards and hunt for candidates on LinkedIn before posting a job opening.  Beyond networking with recruiters and colleagues, being on LinkedIn can also give you early or even exclusive access to job postings.  More importantly, not having a LinkedIn account may send a negative message to recruiters. Read More

Networking for Introverts

If the idea of walking into a room full of people and talking to any of them makes you want to crawl back into bed for a week, this blog is for you. The advice is coming from someone like you (me). Many people (extroverts) say that to be successful in business or with your career, you have to suck in your entire personality and just “become an extrovert” for the ten, fifteen, or fifty minutes it takes to do some successful networking. They are, of course, incorrect. Introverts just need to prepare in their own way. Read More

Getting the Most Out of Your Internship: Goal Setting

Internships are an increasingly important way for job seekers to gain experience, master new skills and position themselves in the job market.  To optimize your internship, it’s important to have specific goals and a plan for meeting them.  At the highest level, your goals are: gaining valuable experience and growing your network.  But once you’ve determined where you’ll be spending your internship, you need to go deeper.
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Be the Job

You know how to know the job and look the job, but do you know how to be the job?  There are some aspects of behavior that are the same no matter what job you are looking for – you should be courteous, polite, prompt.  These are things that, regardless of the position you are applying for, will get you noticed in a positive way.  Here are some simple guidelines any job seeker can follow to stand out as a good employee. Read More

Know the Job

There are three key elements to getting the job you want – knowing the job, looking the job, and being the job.  How well do you really know the job you hope to get?  This is the first step to reaching your end goal.

When you are job seeking, you need to know the job you want, what it entails, how to do it, and how to be successful at it.  You also need to be able to get all of that information across to your contacts, interviewers, and potential coworkers in a clear, concise, and consistent manner.  Read More