Tag: job searching

What are Twitter Hashtags, and What Can They Do For You?

Twitter can be a very powerful tool for your job search.  Not only do many companies now post job leads on Twitter, but it’s also a good place to find and interact with recruiters.

Finding jobs on Twitter is easy if you know how to do it.  The most popular way to find jobs (or any other topic) is through the use of a hashtag (#).  What is a hashtag?  Hashtags are a way for people to categorize information in tweets to make it easily searchable.  Hashtags are like keywords marked with a (#).  For instance, do a hashtag search for #career, and you’ll come up with a list of people tweeting about career topics.

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Job Statistics – Focus on the Positives

We’ve all heard how tough the job market is, but the truth is that people are still getting hired. Here are some numbers that might surprise and inspire you:

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 4.3 million U.S. workers were hired in June 2010, including seasonal workers, part-timers, temps and contract workers.
  • The number of job openings at the end of June was 2.9 million – an increase of 26% since the most recent series trough of 2.3 million in July 2009.
  • Although job growth is down, it does not mean there are no jobs available. 4.3 million hires are still 4.3 million hires.

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Seattle Job Leads

An awesome fellow Seattle-based startup, Symform, is hiring!

About Symform –

“Symform is fundamentally changing the way businesses protect their data. We make it easier, more secure, and ten times cheaper than any traditional online service. Our award-winning technology is driving our growth and we are adding people who have a fire burning inside to create, market, and sell great software.”

Symform is looking for new team members in Sales and Engineering.  Here are their current open positions:

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So What Did You Actually Accomplish? 5 Steps to Make Your Resume Shine

If I had a dollar for each time in the past year I’ve heard friends and relatives say they need to find a new job…well… you get the picture. Nevertheless, many are frustrated, discouraged, and just plain tired of the job-seeking process, however necessary it may be. A major obstacle that leaves many job-seekers stuck in their tracks is building a winning resume. A task that more often than not, feels more like a major construction job than a simple modification. The truth is, revitalizing your resume doesn’t have to be difficult, or an obstacle that slows you down as long as you’re revamping it with the correct focus in mind.

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