Countdown to 2012 for Job Seekers
During the holiday season, December is a time of anticipation and surprises. Some are counting down to a special holiday; others eagerly await the New Year. However, for many job seekers, December may feel like an inactive time. But there is actually a lot you can be doing this month that will pay off in the New Year.
As part of the fun and excitement, Jobfully is offering “Countdown to the New Year” – a month of daily surprises and activities to launch you into 2012 ready to land that job you want.
Sign up to receive your daily Countdown to the New Year surprises by subscribing to the Jobfully Newsletter. Follow through with the daily action item to be fully prepared for success in the New Year.
Countdown to the New Year with Jobfully
December 31, 2011 (Saturday)
Happy New Year from all of us at Jobfully. May 2012 be filled with productive networking, intriguing job leads, successful interviews and just the right job offer! As you ring in the new, take some time this weekend to set goals for your job search. Good goal setting and the right strategy will help you optimize your time and resources in your job search in the New Year, leading to a successful 2012.
December 30, 2011 (Friday)
As you look back on the year, there might have been big challenges. But today, grant yourself the gift of celebrating what went right. Make a list of things that went well this year and reflect on it.
December 29, 2011 (Thursday)
It’s time to ice the champagne for New Year’s Eve, and create a list of people you want to “cold contact” in the New Year. First, read about the art of cold contact so you know how to do it well. It’s as tricky as popping open a bottle of champagne – when done wrong, someone can get hurt! Then, sit down and list industry leaders, role models and others you would love to reach out to in the New Year.
December 28, 2011 (Wednesday)
As we head into the New Year, today’s gift is optimism. It’s a powerful tool in your job search. Read how to use it along with strategic activity. Then take some time to plan how you will combine optimism and action for success in the year ahead.
December 27, 2011 (Tuesday)
You have a very important activity today – it’s to create a job search strategy for 2012. Read why a strategy is critical to your success and how to create one. Then give yourself the gift of a plan for the New Year that will lead you to success in 2012.
December 26, 2011 (Monday)
After almost a month of festivities, social gatherings, and holiday meals, have you met any interesting new people or re-connected with old contacts? Hope your network has expanded, but not your waistline.
December 25, 2011 (Sunday)
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us at Jobfully.
December 24, 2011 (Saturday)
Relax and enjoy time with family and friends.
December 23, 2011 (Friday)
Today’s gift is the miracle of turning holiday socializing into professional networking without being annoying. Before you head out to be with friends and relatives this weekend, read up on how to network wisely. Then make some new contacts this weekend and follow up after the holiday.
December 22, 2011 (Thursday)
Story telling is a holiday tradition for many. But did you know story telling is an important part of your job search? Today’s holiday activity is crafting great stories to share. Read about effective story telling, then prepare a few stories you can use when networking and interviewing.
December 21, 2011 (Wednesday)
Have you been naughty or nice? If you haven’t been a perfect angel all year, make sure your online reputation isn’t damaging your job search. Read about how to monitor and repair your online reputation. Then take action to fix any problems and start with a great online presence for the year ahead.
December 20, 2011 (Tuesday)
Your gift today is the power of positive thinking. A positive mindset comes across in every job search encounter and can boost your success. Read about how to stay positive during your job search, then take time today to review your list of things that have gone right, things you are thankful for and things you like about yourself.
December 20, 2011 (Tuesday)
Your gift today is the power of positive thinking. A positive mindset comes across in every job search encounter and can boost your success. Read about how to stay positive during your job search, then take time today to review your list of things that have gone right, things you are thankful for and things you like about yourself.
December 19, 2011 (Monday)
Today is a perfect day to reach out with holiday greetings. Be sure your greeting shares your job search in a positive and memorable way so your personal network can help you in the year to come. Read about how to clean up your Facebook for your job search. Then create a holiday greeting and send it out far and wide.
December 18, 2011 (Sunday)
‘tis the season for football, including big holiday bowl games. Today’s holiday treat is to watch a football game. Or, if you’re not a fan, maybe a holiday movie instead. This is a chance to learn a little while relaxing. Ask yourself, what traits do those athletes or movie characters have that you could use in your job search? Perseverance, the ability to think fast, or the ability to recover from missteps? Enjoy the game/show!
December 17, 2011 (Saturday)
As you do your holiday shopping, picking out the perfect gift for your loved ones, also think about giving yourself something special. Invest in yourself by working with Jobfully and receive the gift of a new, better job in 2012.
December 16, 2011 (Friday)
The holidays are all about getting together with friends. Friends can be your biggest supporters in your job search. Today’s treat is set up 3 easy networking coffees or lunches. Choose people in your network you feel comfortable with and invite them for an in person meeting just to get caught up. It’s a fun way to make progress on your job search
December 15, 2011 (Thursday)
Here is a gift that will keep giving all year long: The gift of great relationships with a couple of strong recruiters. Read how to work with recruiters, then take time today to locate several you think would be helpful. Shoot them emails and get a positive relationship going. It’s a gift that money can’t buy.
December 14, 2011 (Wednesday)
You get to unwrap a special gift today! It’s the gift of LinkedIn Groups. They will bring you new connections and power. Read how they work, then go to LinkedIn, join several groups and start enjoying the gift of new avenues for networking.
December 13, 2011 (Tuesday)
Today’s holiday treat is a pitch that befriends, not offends! Are you ready to share your expertise and value when you run into old friends, or make new contacts at holiday events? Today, hone your “elevator pitch” and use it correctly. (Hint: It’s not your opening line in any conversation!)
December 12, 2011 (Monday)
Today you are going to put pretty paper and bow on your resume. How? By adding volunteer work! Read why it’s a great idea to include volunteer work on resume, then get busy locating a volunteer activity that uses your skills and will allow you to generate fresh successes for your resume.
December 11, 2011 (Sunday)
Today’s holiday surprise is the gift of loving yourself. Feeling good about yourself is important to your success. Today, take a break from your job search and the holiday hustle and bustle. Write down at least 3 qualities you like about yourself. Post your list at a place where you will see it often as a regular reminder of your great attributes.
December 10, 2011 (Saturday)
Will you be on the party circuit tonight? Before you head out, plan a positive response for when people ask you what you’re doing these days. Today’s activity is to prepare to share your job search adventure in a way that engages and makes people want to help.
December 9, 2011 (Friday)
The holidays are a perfect time to reconnect and say thanks. Your activity today is to reach out to your network and thank people for their support throughout the year. Read about the best ways to give thanks, then spend time today following through with sincere appreciation for everyone’s help.
December 8, 2011 (Thursday)
Make your list and check it twice. Today’s activity is creating a job wish list that is just the right size. Read about how to make sure your target is not too small, and not too big. Then write out your job search goal and post it where you can review it regularly.
December 7, 2011 (Wednesday)
You’ve put garland and tinsel on your resume – it’s time to do some marketing. Like a bright holiday light display, let your LinkedIn profile get noticed. Read how to optimize your profile, then go to LinkedIn today and make your profile sparkle and shine.
December 6, 2011 (Tuesday)
Time for a little holiday decorating. Today you are going to put garland and tinsel on your resume to make it sparkle and delight. Read how to add that extra zing to your most important job search document. Then, invest some time revising your resume to it shine in the New Year.
December 5, 2011 (Monday)
Today’s surprise is “Discover the magic of Twitter.” Open a Twitter account if you don’t already have one. Locate 3 new recruiters or companies to follow. Twitter can do a lot for your job search so get started today. Read more about using Twitter in your job search, and get started today.
December 4, 2011 (Sunday)
As we count down the days to the New Year, what is your dream for 2012? Today’s holiday fun is to spend a little time thinking about your ideal new year. In the days that come, you’ll develop a strategy and a plan to pursue that dream. Today, take a little time to just imagine a future you want.
December 3, 2011 (Saturday)
Thankfulness doesn’t have to end at Thanksgiving. Being aware of the good in your life can boost your spirits. That positive mindset can really help your job search. So today’s activity is to track the many people in your life who you appreciate, including those who are helping you on your job search.
December 2, 2011 (Friday)
Clarity is a real gift, and one your network will appreciate. Today, get crystal clear on your job search goals. Read how to do that and why it’s important. Then spend some time clarifying your goals so you can help your network help you.
December 1, 2011 (Thursday)
Your first treat is “Make a wish list for LinkedIn Recommendations.” Put together a list of people from whom you would like to receive LinkedIn recommendations. Then reach out to them and ask. Read more about how to get recommendations on LinkedIn, then get your wish list out there today.