Category: Managing Your Job search

Are You Getting Bad Advice About Your Job Search?

There is an overwhelming amount of job search advice on the web.  That advice can range from excellent to flat out bad.

Case in point: A recent blog recommended this method for finding a job fast: Go on job boards and locate openings that match your passion. Send your resume to 10-20 employers a day and wait to hear back.   This job search method is probably the worst way to look for a job in today’s market! Here is why: Read More

Job Search Lessons from the College Admissions Season

Across the country high school seniors are receiving college admissions decisions this month. It’s an exciting and nerve-wracking time following months or even years of preparation and work.  In many ways, the college admissions process is similar to job search.  If you’ve been through the roller coaster ride of college admissions, or helped your teen through, there are lessons there that apply to job search. Read More

Craigslist Job Hunting: Two Key Workarounds

Today our guest blogger is Matt Youngquist. Matt is the President of Career Horizons, serving Northwest individuals and organizations dealing with the unique challenges of job hunting and employment transition.  Matt is a recognized expert in the field of career coaching, job hunting, and professional employment counseling.  You can follow him on Twitter @mattyoungquist.


As I’ve stressed to quite a few clients over the years, anybody looking for work today should consider Craigslist as one of the absolute top sources of published opportunities they check on a regular basis.

Surprised by this?  Do you associate Craigslist more with used cars or tracking down garage sales?  If so, let me point out the two key reasons why the site is such a unique and important job resource: Read More

Job Search Secrets from a Google Recruiter

Google regularly tops the list of the top companies to work for and the most admired companies. They are also known for attracting and selecting top talent and a work environment that empowers employees to pursue their passion.

In a recent CBS Money Watch article, Robert Pagliarini interviewed a recruiting expert at Google, Bryan Power, to gain insights into what top companies are looking for in job candidates.  Bryan Power has worked at Google for over 6 years and is now a People Operations Manager at Google, where he manages recruiters for the North and South American sales organizations,

We boiled down this 40 minutes long interview to give you a quick summary of the job search secrets according to an expert in recruitment and staffing management. Read More

Creating a Job Search Strategy

If you plan to find a job sooner rather than later, and hope to succeed even in a struggling economy, you need a strategy for that success.  A job search without a strategy can quickly become random and non-productive. Applying scattershot for jobs, following up on leads without prioritizing, lacking goals and ways to measure progress often plunges a job seeker into frustration.  With a strategy, progress is planned and steady, and good results follow. Read More

Improving Communication Skills for Job Search Success

Communication skills are essential to your job search.  Being able to speak effectively when networking and interviewing greatly boosts your chances of getting hired.  And strong communication skills are equally important once you’re hired. Read More