Creating a Job Search Strategy

Creating a Job Search Strategy

If you plan to find a job sooner rather than later, and hope to succeed even in a struggling economy, you need a strategy for that success.  A job search without a strategy can quickly become random and non-productive. Applying scattershot for jobs, following up on leads without prioritizing, lacking goals and ways to measure progress often plunges a job seeker into frustration.  With a strategy, progress is planned and steady, and good results follow.

Here are the key elements of a job search strategy and how you can develop them:

1. Set a clear target

  • Know what you want to do
  • Know what you are qualified to do
  • Know what there is demand for in the marketplace
  • Take steps to make a career transition if there is not demand in your current area
  • Form a target that is focused and realistic

2. Develop thoughtful marketing materials

3. Have a plan for marketing yourself using multiple channels to generate job leads

4. Make conscious decisions about how you spend your time on each job search activity

5. Find ways to keep skills sharp and resume filled with fresh achievements

  • Volunteer, intern, learn or mentor
  • Add new successes to resume

6. Have a system for managing your search

7. Implement a step by step plan for executing including measurable goals

  • Establish a routine, setting aside space and time for job search activities
  • For additional help with creating a plan, consider signing up for Jobfully’s complete program of coaching, productivity tools and support
  • Have daily, weekly and monthly objectives
  • Reward yourself for achieving goals

Creating a job search strategy takes time and thought. But working from a plan will bring you much greater results than a random, unfocused effort. Take the time right now to create a strategy for your job search and you can look forward to great results in the year ahead.


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7 thoughts on “Creating a Job Search Strategy

  1. Hi Carrie,
    I understand your Positive view to the Job issues at Hand, I just feel that most of America does not understand that we have been SOLD a Bill of Goods for decades way before we were borned ! We have been lied to & cheated by Wall St. & DC. , the same people that we trusted to Run our country & manage our MONEY for the future! I speak from experience & have had many chats with my 94 yr old DAD who has lived by the Golden Rule & gave a son so America could remain FREE. Thank You for your time I hope alot of people can get Help from you so we can get out of this DEBT Hole that our leaders have dug over the decades! Regards Bill

  2. Thanks for your perspective Bill. As the experts predict a slow and uneven recovery,the job seekers who are optimistic, strategic and diligent in their search have the best chance of getting hired. Right now is a great time to bring renewed energy and focus to the job search and take steps toward success.

  3. Hi Carrie,
    I understand fully I am connected to CEO’s , business leaders, CPA’s , Lawyers, Doctors, and all professional & non professional individuals & groups. I am on auto
    pilot with USA.Gov, Me. Career Center, & all
    other on line & off line sites. I have counseled hundreds or even thousands as a HUD-FHA State Official & a private lender for 40 yrs. I have the experience & NO one cares about OLD pros like myself ! They want Young Cheap Help because of the POOR Mgtmt. of the Country by DC & Wall St. I will look over your program & see if you can help. Carrie what I am telling you is there is NO one more aggressive than myself, I raised 5 children, helped my spouse get her education to a Masters & have been held at Gunpoint by Bank robbers & chased by dogs & crinimal as well as dealing with 22% interests rates ! NO ONE cares especially DC & Wall Str ! I have one more comment Carrie before I leave to do more Job apps, my 94 yr. old Dad said to me when I mentioned I may apply for a Job as a Finacial Advisor( Staock Broker) he said I before learn to LIE ! Need I say more ! Honesty & Intergity has not meaning Generally in our Country & that must change so we can Prosper again! Thank You I truly appreciate your comments. Regards Bill

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