Category: Interviewing

How To Answer “What Do You Know About Us?”

“What do you know about us?”  It’s a common but puzzling question that gets asked at many interviews.  Last week we talked about how to research companies.  Today, how to present the information you gathered in a way that shows you did your research and highlights why your skills and background would be an asset to the company. Read More

Purposeful Follow-ups

Follow-up is a part of the job search that many job seekers feel uncomfortable with, especially when they constantly hear about the importance of following-up but just don’t know what follow-up actions would be appropriate and effective.  Earlier, we talked about the general guidelines on the etiquettes and timing of follow-ups.  Today, let’s clear up some common confusion job seekers have about follow-ups. Read More

The Importance of Stories During Interviews

Imagine you ask your friend about her recent vacation. She says “We spent a lot of time on the beach.” Sounds fun. Now imagine instead she says, “We were out on this beautiful powder-white sand beach watching dolphins out in the surf. We jumped in the clear blue water and floated in the gentle waves, then came back to the beach where we sipped tropical cocktails and watched the sunset.”  Which is a better answer?  Read More

Showing an Employer You’ve Got “Fit” – Part 2: Demonstrating Your Fit

Last week, we talked about exact what “fit” means in the hiring managers’ mind.  Now you understand the possible meanings behind “fit”, next step is to clearly demonstrate you’ve got it.

Showing You are a Fit

Interviewers rarely ask “Do you think you would fit in here?” Yet they are measuring fit all the time. The job seeker must proactively demonstrate fit. Given how subjective fit can be, it’s important to bring out your fit throughout the interview. Here’s how: Read More

Showing an Employer You’ve Got “Fit” – Part 1: What is “Fit”?

“They told me they decided to go with someone who is a better fit,” a job seeker told me last week. “What does that mean? I feel like I would fit in fine. Why didn’t they think so?”

It’s very common to be told another candidate was chosen due to “fit”.  That word can have lots of different meanings and evaluating fit can be very subjective. Understanding what is meant by “fit” is the first step toward demonstrating you’ve got it. Read More

Pre-Interview Research

You got the interview, now what?  Time to dig in and learn all you can so you can shine in the face-to-face meeting.  Having good background on the company will make you look interested and prepared, but the research will give you valuable knowledge that will help confirm that this is in fact a place you want to work. Read More

The Art of Telling An Effective Story

Preparing for an interview can be an exhaustive process.  Do you have the proper wardrobe? Do you know how to get to the office?  Do you know every piece of your resume and why you put it on there?  If you have all of this down, you probably feel pretty prepared, but you forgot something.  Do you have effective stories to tell? Read More