It’s important to thank your network on a regular basis. People are much more likely to help if they feel their efforts are appreciated. Your sincere, gracious thanks shows you notice the extra effort and are grateful for it. It also keeps you top of mind with those in your network. Here are some of the best ways to say thanks: Read More
Video Friday: Networking for Introverts – Why You Should Go Alone
Introverts are sometimes advised to take a friend with them to networking events. But in today’s video blog, Kimberly Beatty explains why she disagrees with that advice and feels “going it alone” is best for introverts. Read More
Networking for Introverts
If the idea of walking into a room full of people and talking to any of them makes you want to crawl back into bed for a week, this blog is for you. The advice is coming from someone like you (me). Many people (extroverts) say that to be successful in business or with your career, you have to suck in your entire personality and just “become an extrovert” for the ten, fifteen, or fifty minutes it takes to do some successful networking. They are, of course, incorrect. Introverts just need to prepare in their own way. Read More
Sharing Your Network with Your Partner
For job seekers, growing a strong network is a top priority. If your partner is out of work, one of the best ways to help is to offer to share your network. Those who are not currently working, such as stay-at-home parents, may feel they don’t have much of a network to share. Here are some ways to uncover and share your network even if you’re not currently working outside the home. Read More