One of the biggest factors in a successful job search is mindset. Last time we talked about some actionable items discouraged job seekers can take to turn around a negative outlook. Today, we want to provide some food for thought. Read More
Inspired by Job Seekers
Because of my work, I get in contact with job seekers a lot. Most of the time, my conversations with job seekers focus on their job search challenges, possible job leads, job market trends, best current job search practices, etc. Last week I had a chance to gain a much deeper perspective into job seekers’ lives. I walked away very inspired. Read More
Dealing With Depression During Your Job Search
Depression can really slow down your job search progress. Many people who are out of work suffer from depression at some point during the process. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but if you recognize you are suffering from it, take steps to deal with it and get back on track finding a job.
If you think you’re suffering from depression Read More
Stay Engaged, Find a Role Model
Over time, as you do the work of “working on yourself”, the fluctuations in energy and concentration wear on even the hardiest among us. At heart we know we have to put ourselves in front of people, lots of people, repeatedly. You can benefit from balancing periods of social engagement with times of more relaxed involvement that treat your mind to new ideas, replenish your energy, and refresh your world view.
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