Tag: building your personal brand

Be the Job

You know how to know the job and look the job, but do you know how to be the job?  There are some aspects of behavior that are the same no matter what job you are looking for – you should be courteous, polite, prompt.  These are things that, regardless of the position you are applying for, will get you noticed in a positive way.  Here are some simple guidelines any job seeker can follow to stand out as a good employee. Read More

So What Did You Actually Accomplish? 5 Steps to Make Your Resume Shine

If I had a dollar for each time in the past year I’ve heard friends and relatives say they need to find a new job…well… you get the picture. Nevertheless, many are frustrated, discouraged, and just plain tired of the job-seeking process, however necessary it may be. A major obstacle that leaves many job-seekers stuck in their tracks is building a winning resume. A task that more often than not, feels more like a major construction job than a simple modification. The truth is, revitalizing your resume doesn’t have to be difficult, or an obstacle that slows you down as long as you’re revamping it with the correct focus in mind.

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