Jobs In Nursing

Jobs In Nursing

Looking for a job that is always in demand, offers great personal satisfaction uses a wide variety of skills?  How about nursing!  No longer doctor’s helpers in starched white dresses, today’s nurses have many specializations and make good money.  Nursing careers tend to be a safe option to pursue when you think about the large number of baby boomers who will be starting to retire and will need more care.  Demand is very high and increasing.  The employment rate is expected to increase by 27.3% by 2012 for a number of different nursing specialties due largely in part to demographic changes.

Skills needed

  1. People Skills Caring, empathetic, able to work with people who come from a variety of backgrounds.
  2. Communication Skills – Able to communicate with doctors, patients, and co-workers in a high-pressure environment and good listening skills.
  3. Observational Skills – Attention to detail and ability to spot and solve problems.
  4. Tech Saavy – Technology plays an increasing role in medicine today; nurses are not immune from having to keep up with the rapid changes going on.
  5. Physical Skills –Lifting, moving, even sometimes restraining patients and spending long hours on your feet.  .
  6. Thinking Skills – legal issues, knowing which questions to ask, multitasking, able to do math.


There are many different educational in the nursing field.  The degree of specialty and management level determines the amount of education needed.

  • Licensed Practical Nurse – Allows nurses to work after just one year of study.  Few specialties available. Primarily for work in general healthcare.
  • Registered Nurse – Usually has an associate’s degree from a nursing program or a 4-year bachelor’s degree in nursing.  RNs usually specialize in areas like pediatrics, critical care, etc.
  • Master’s Degree in Nursing – With a master’s degree a nurse may become administrator, educator, or family nurse practitioner.   These programs typically are accompanied by a higher level of specialty as well.

Resume Tips

Many of the general resume tips apply to nursing as well, but here are a couple that are specific to nursing jobs

  • Present Your Value – List a summary of your qualifications including level of experience and top credentials earned.
  • Expertise section – Make sure your resume is keyword rich and applicable to the job you are applying for.
  • Nursing experience – Be sure to discuss the areas you have worked in, your caseload, and area(s) of specialization.   This includes any internship or unpaid work.
  • Show Your Ambition – You can position yourself as a stronger candidate if you can include contributions you made to past employers.  The key here is listing measurable that show you bring value to your employer.
  • Academic Achievements and Nursing Licenses – Mention academic honors, scholarships and fellowships.   Include the number of academic hours as well.  If you’re a new graduate, include GPA if impressive.  Experienced nurses may briefly mention rotations in the education section.  Lastly, the license(s) you hold should be listed here.

When considering the emotional and financial fulfillment that comes from a job in nursing, it is an easy choice for many.  For more jobs that are in demand check the Jobfully blog.

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