Let’s say you are in a job interview and you are asked for your biggest idea for innovation within the company. Do you give away your best thinking, knowing you may or may not be hired? Or do you hang on to it, hoping for credit once you are in the door and part of the company? Read More
Volunteer Work: Your Job Search Secret Path
Volunteering can be a significant leg up in your job search. An ariticle in Fast Company, Volunteering Will Save Your Career (Or Put You In A New One), showed that 20% of hiring managers make decision based on volunteer work. It can serve the same basic function as an internship: it can grow your network and give you additional experience to put on your résumé. Read More
Know the Job
There are three key elements to getting the job you want – knowing the job, looking the job, and being the job. How well do you really know the job you hope to get? This is the first step to reaching your end goal.
When you are job seeking, you need to know the job you want, what it entails, how to do it, and how to be successful at it. You also need to be able to get all of that information across to your contacts, interviewers, and potential coworkers in a clear, concise, and consistent manner. Read More
Turn Your Resume Straw Into Gold
I’ve just been handed a list of six terms that no one is interested in seeing on your resume. When you see them on your resume here are some reminders of ways to revise them to your advantage. Keep in mind: Get to the point quickly.
1) Responsible for
Doesn’t every job come with responsibilities? Instead speak to the outcome of your responsibility.from: Responsible for production costs….
to: Improved profit margins by reducing production costs 10% in three months.
Small Business Challenges, Your Opportunities
In order to bridge the gap between an employer’s needs and your own, try putting yourself in their shoes, and you’ll get a huge perspective shift. I recently sat in on a group discussion about the needs of a small advertising agency regarding client relationships and talent acquisition for the firm, and found the concerns surprisingly similar.
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Interview Invitation: Tell Me About Yourself
I’m impressed with how well this video demonstrates techniques for covering the talking points that everyone will deal with during a job interview. John Heaney walks you through the following points: