It’s not uncommon for a job seeker to be told he or she is overqualified for a position. If this happens to you, it is possible to respond in a way that keeps you in the running for the job. In today’s video blog, Jobfully’s Carrie Krueger explains what to do when you’re told you are overqualified. Read More
Action Plan for Overcoming “Overqualified”
Recruiting and hiring managers are sometimes hesitant to hire people they consider overqualified. Yesterday we got a recruiter’s perspective on why they might not want to hire someone who is overqualified. Today, an action plan for overcoming the label of “overqualified”. Read More
Why Won’t Employers Hire Overqualified Workers?
“Why wouldn’t an employer WANT a candidate who is overqualified?”, a Jobfully reader asks. “Wouldn’t they be happy to have someone who was completely competent from day one and readily able to take on more responsibility as needed? Why is being overqualified Read More
Video Friday: Positioning Yourself as Perfectly Qualified
Highly qualified workers face a special challenge when applying for jobs. They risk being told they are overqualified. But by positioning their qualifications as a perfect match, they can avoid the label and interview successfully. In this video, Jobfully’s Carrie Krueger explains how. Read More
Video Friday: Are You Coming Across as Old?
Are you sabotaging your job search with behaviors and traits that make you look like an undesirable hire? Jobfully’s Carrie Krueger looks at how some job seekers simply come across as old, and what you can do to avoid this problem. Read More
Multi-Generational Workforce: Take Two
A recent Jobfully blog highlighted some of the differences between older and younger workers in today’s workforce. The blog cautioned older job seekers from jumping to conclusions about the new generation. But younger job seekers have a lot to learn too. This blog is a response from one Gen-Yer on what we can do to work well in a multi-generational workforce, and how we can use our different work approach to get most out of our job search. Read More
Job Search and the Multi-Generational Workforce
Becky was telling me about a recent job interview at a local technology firm that left her frustrated and confused. She described her interviewer as a “girl” half her age who dressed casually, asked unexpected questions and spoke in shorthand. As an older worker, Becky is not alone in her reaction to the traits and behavior observed in “the younger generation”. But understanding new ways of communicating and working can really help older workers in their job search. Read More
Interviewing with the Young and Inexperienced
Many job seekers, particularly mature workers, have experienced interviewing with someone much younger or less experienced than themselves. It’s a common scenario and need not lead to disaster. Here’s how to handle it. Read More
Is it Age Discrimination or Something Else?
Do you believe you are you being turned down for jobs because of your age? Age discrimination is often blamed after an unsuccessful application, but it’s almost always impossible to know if age really was a factor. Here are some of the common reasons given for not hiring a mature worker: Read More
Showing How Age is an Advantage
Older workers tend to believe their age will be viewed as a disadvantage by potential employers. But are there ways to portray it as an advantage? Absolutely! There are many positives to hiring an older worker and lots of ways to demonstrate them throughout the job search process. Read More