Author: Carrie Krueger, Vice President, Jobfully

Are Keywords Overrated?

There’s a lot of talk about keywords and how they can help your job search. Job seekers are told to load up their resumes with keywords so that applicant tracking systems (ATS) will “find” them.  In fact, some resumes feature a huge block of keywords.

The reality is that keywords are just one of many tools in your job search.  Here is where keywords bring the most benefit: Read More

Clear Goals = Better Networking

One of the principles of being highly effective is “Begin with the end in mind”. This is important advice in a job search. Being clear about where you want to end up will help you chart a course from here to there. Another strong reason for being clear about your goals is that it will make it easier for your network to help you. Here are some of the positive effects your clarity will have on your networking efforts: Read More

Why You Still Need a Cover Letter and How to Write a Good One

The world of job seekers is deeply divided over the subject of cover letters. Some say they are a waste of time, others say they are a valuable tool. So which is it? It’s really both! Any given cover letter may be completely ignored or it may be the piece that gets you noticed and in the door. Read More

Easy Ways to Stay Connected with Your Network

As a job seeker you are probably hard at work building your network. But a strong network isn’t just about having lots of people, it’s about really connecting and harnessing the power of that network. Your networking relationships should be mutually beneficial. Here are five ways to help your network, and five ways your network can help you in your job search. Read More