Trends In Recruiting, Part One

Trends In Recruiting, Part One

Knowing what is happening in the world of recruiting can give you an edge in your job search. A new LinkedIn survey of recruiters offers important insights that may impact how you look for a job.

We’ll examine 2010 trends over the next few days. Today, we focus on where recruiters are NOT spending money and why it matters to you.

Where recruiters are cutting spending:

  • Job boards
  • Staffing firms

What recruiters say is least effective for finding qualified candidates:

  • Newspaper ads
  • Trade journals

What it means to job seekers:

  • Old-style job searching on job boards and want ads is ineffective
  • Avenues such as networking and social media are more effective
  • Connections to in-house recruiters are growing in value
  • It’s increasingly important to show your value directly to companies and not rely on a staffing firm to promote you
  • With budgets tight, the job seeker will have to be more proactive about attracting the attention of recruiters such as through a key-word rich and customized resume or through a cover letter that effectively brings out the match with the job.

Action items for job seekers:

  • Set new goals for your job search based on spending less time looking for advertised openings and more time networking
  • Focus some networking specifically on forming connections with in-house recruiters
  • Be sure your marketing materials (resume, cover letter) bring out your value quickly, to appeal to busy recruiters

Coming up: How quality is winning out over speed and how social media is growing as a means of recruiting.

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