Good communication skills can mean the difference between success and failure in job interviews. If you are stalling at interviews, communication skills could be the problem. Here are four things to focus on to improve communication skills in interviews: Read More
Video Friday: Positioning Yourself as Perfectly Qualified
Highly qualified workers face a special challenge when applying for jobs. They risk being told they are overqualified. But by positioning their qualifications as a perfect match, they can avoid the label and interview successfully. In this video, Jobfully’s Carrie Krueger explains how. Read More
Awkward Interview Moments
Most job seekers have funny stories of awkward interview moments – names mangled, drinks spilled, flubbed answers to easy questions. Jobfully team members shared a few of their favorites including accidently offering a hug instead of a handshake at the end of the interview (carried away?) and accidently walking off with the interviewer’s notebook. Knowing that these things happen, here are some graceful ways to get through those awkward moments and maybe even make yourself look good in the process. Read More