Tag: economy

Solving the Jobs Problem – A New Kind of Unemployment Benefit

In midst of an unprecedented challenge in jobs situation in our country and in honor of Labor Day, let’s all come together to start a discussion on new ways to fix our persistent unemployment problem and boost our stagnating economy. As a small business owner, whose business is to put people back to work, I’d like to propose a new kind of unemployment benefit that can put jobless workers back to work sooner and help businesses grow to create more jobs. Read More

Sorting Through Reports on Job and Employment Trends

It seems every day there is a news item about unemployment numbers, hiring trends, layoffs or the possibility of recovery. Last week the Wall Street Journal reported “Job Gains Speed Up and More Seek Work”.  The New York Times had a similar report, Economy Gains Impetus as U.S. Adds 290,000 Jobs, showing that, although 290,000 jobs were added, the unemployment number also went up.  So what is a job seeker to do with all this news? Some suggestions for riding the hiring trends roller coaster:

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