Tag: dream job

When You Don’t Get Your Dream Job

When I was in my late teens, my dad took me out to buy my first car. We found the perfect one, a rust colored Ford Pinto hatchback. (Does this date me at all?)  I was so excited, but on the way to take a second look and make an offer, my dad said, “Never fall in love with the car.  You want a great car, and you are going to have a great car. There are lots of them out there. But don’t think THIS car is the perfect one, the only one that will make you happy.”  Of course I fell in love with the car and my dad had to drag me away when we couldn’t reach an agreement with the salesman. Later we ended up buying a Pinto station wagon. In my mind, it wasn’t nearly as cool as the hatchback and the color (“flesh” as we called it) was nowhere as awesome as the rust. But in time I saw it was rather ideal, the station wagon offering much greater cargo space during my frequent moves in those years. Read More

Job Search Lottery and Why You Wouldn’t Want to Win It

Everyone wants to win the lottery, right?   Many people believe that when a large sum of money lands on their laps, their dreams will come true, their days will be care-free, and they can live happily ever after.  There is an equivalent of “winning the lottery” in job search.  We will talk about what it is and why you wouldn’t really want to win this “Job Search Lottery.” Read More