Tag: choices

Pros and Cons of Working in Small Companies

Your job search may pick up if you consider small companies as well as big names.  The numbers show there are more jobs there. As you expand your job search to include small companies, you’ll want to consider the pros and cons. Having worked in both a small company and a larger well established organization, it is hard for me to generalize that one is better than the other. Based on my personal experience and from what I have learned from others, here are some pros and cons of working in small companies. Read More

What Makes a Good LinkedIn Contact?

During the sign up process, LinkedIn will ask for a peek at your e-mail contact list.  This is one of the easiest ways to see the public profiles of everyone you know on LinkedIn and if you feel comfortable with their privacy statement, you should do it.  It the fastest way to populate your network.  It also brings up an important area for caution with LinkedIn: who you network with.

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Optimizing the Jobless Interval in Your Life

Jobseekers sometimes worry they may be passed over for a job because they’ve been unemployed “too long”.  A six month job search is not uncommon yet that gap may create a negative image for some hiring managers.  To strengthen your resume and your position with the interviewer you will need a viable story that delivers your true value and promise of what you can do for the company.

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Relationship Building: 101

Let’s say that you’ve already identified at least one person, maybe a few people, who do the kind of work you’d like to do. In other words, you have a role model.  In order to make best use of this relationship, there are a few things to understand about choosing to associate with like-minded people and how these relationships can help.

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In The Interest Of Not Wasting Time…

What do you do with your time between jobs? After you’ve run through all the domestic busy-making you can make with cleaning, decluttering and other garden variety household chores, sooner or later you’ll want to take a deep breath and face the inevitable with a closer look. Besides taking classes and volunteering, what are some of the creative ways to acquire new skills related to your expertise?
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