3 Things that are a Must if You’re Job Hunting Remotely

3 Things that are a Must if You’re Job Hunting Remotely

If you are considering a long-distance job search, there are a few things about looking for a job remotely that you should know and be prepared for.  Finding a job remotely is going to take more time, flexibility and planning, but it’s not impossible. For people who need to move due to either personal or professional reasons, such as changes in local economy and industries, looking for a new start elsewhere might be the right choice. Here are some tips that will help you make this long-distance career move:

1. Establish Local Connections

Applying to an area where you already have contacts is a huge advantage. Think about who you know in your targeted areas – family, distant relatives, friends from college, previous colleagues, or professional acquaintances?  Reach out and re-connect with these contacts as part of your job search.

If you are close with any of these people, you may ask if you could use their address on your resume.  Or, if you use your current address on your resume, you can make a note to indicate your relocation plan.  Be prepared to share your relocation plan when people ask and in your cover letter.

2. Get on the Ground

Don’t apply to a city that you aren’t willing to visit. Set a budge for traveling to the area.  Go visit that city and walk around, talk to people. Find events (especially professional gathering, both formal and casual) that you can attend in order to find connections and build your network in the area. Remember networking can happen anywhere.

3. A Different Kind of Networking

Looking for a job remotely will change the way you network because you are not going to be able to physically be there to work your way into a company.

Do your research by looking up local business directory or trade association lists to identify potential employers.  Also do some research to get more information about the neighborhoods and communities there.

Try finding a professional online forum or group to find new connections in your targeted area.  Get to know the people in the group/discussion and network with them, you never know where it could lead.

Always Remember 

Job boards can be an important part of finding a job remotely but they should NOT be your only resource. You need to find ways to make personal connections with people in the city you are applying whether it is by physically going there for a visit, knowing someone in the area, or reaching out to expand your network with the people there remotely.

Knowing the unique challenges in a long-distance job search will help you adjust your strategy and selecting the best approach. It’s exciting to have the opportunity to start new and go someplace you always wanted to. So go out and try something new.  A new job, a new life, and a new beginning might be in your near future.

Related article – How to Find a Job in a Different City


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