Tag: job search tips

Are Keywords Overrated?

There’s a lot of talk about keywords and how they can help your job search. Job seekers are told to load up their resumes with keywords so that applicant tracking systems (ATS) will “find” them.  In fact, some resumes feature a huge block of keywords.

The reality is that keywords are just one of many tools in your job search.  Here is where keywords bring the most benefit: Read More

Building a Powerful Network

What makes a good network? Is it a small and select group that we have strong bonds with, or a huge group of hundreds of people we barely know/contact with?

Few other people can better give us insights into professional networking than Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn.  We read in Fortune/CNNMonday a rather long piece of an excerpt of the book, The Startup of You, by Reid Hoffman.  We wanted to share a quick summary with you of what we learned from this great article. Read More

What We Can Learn From Walt Disney

Walt Disney- it’s a name that invokes images of theme parks, classic movies, and cartoons. He is known the world over, but the story of his career and the struggles he faced are a side that few people know. Through his stories of overcoming struggles and obstacles, we can find inspirations for our job search, and find encouragement to do what we love and have a passion for. Read More