Tag: job search goals

Picking the Right Size Target for Your Job Search

We talked about the problem of having a job search target that is too narrow.  But equally problematic is having a target that is too broad, or a scattershot attempt to land any jobs. Instinct tells you that having a big target gives you a better chance of hitting something. Yet with job search, a huge target is not the best way to assure success. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Selling yourself as “I can do anything” makes you look like a dabbler who has done lots of things but is not deeply competent in any one
  • Selling yourself as “I’m willing to do anything”  makes you look desperate rather than appealing
  • Lack of clarity around your strengths makes you less memorable
  • People in your network find it hard to help if you are not clear what you’re looking for
  • Lack of focus makes you less credible
  • Pursuing jobs outside your area of expertise or well below your level is likely to leave you frustrated
  • Applying for anything and everything, even jobs that are not a good fit, wastes your time and energy, taking away focus on finding jobs for which you are truly a match

How do you assure you’ve got the right size target?  Read More

Creating a Job Search Strategy for Success

Imagine trying to build a house without a blue print. You might have a great vision of what the end result will look like, but without a plan, your effort might be going into fruitless pursuit. It’s the same with a job search. A lot of people want to jump right in without a strategic plan that gets them to hired.  It’s tempting to just apply to as many jobs as possible, but unfocused efforts only lead to frustration and a prolonged job search. Read More