Finding Openings at Small Companies and Start-ups

Finding Openings at Small Companies and Start-ups

After looking at what you can demonstrate about yourself to increase your chances of landing jobs in small companies , let’s see where you can find some of these openings. Unlike large firms, small companies and start-ups do not always have formal job listings. There is no substitute for networking and it becomes all the more necessary when looking for jobs in small companies. Focusing on your networking efforts and broadening your network is the best way to discover these hidden jobs.

As you network, here are a few things to ask or keep an eye out for:

  • People starting new ventures
  • People who have broken away from big companies to do their own thing
  • Niche companies seeking to fill a very narrow need
  • Small firms that provide specialized support to large companies
  • People and companies in emerging areas such as green technology
  • Consultants tend to have contact with lots of companies and are often aware of where something new is happening or something small is succeeding
  • If you have a specialized skill such as accounting or IT, ask your network to keep an eye out for startups or small companies  who might need help in your area.  Sometimes small firms can’t afford to make a full time hire but need assistance.

In addition to networking, here are some places to look to learn more about small companies and start-ups and become aware of possibilities. These sources are particularly useful for identifying small emerging companies.

  • Local chambers of commerce
  • Local business newspapers and the business section of your local newspaper
  • Local small businesses and entrepreneurial speakers events

Finding opportunities at small business and startups requires a special kind of research but can yield great results.


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