Category: Improving

Turn Your Resume Straw Into Gold

I’ve just been handed a list of six terms that no one is interested in seeing on your resume.  When you see them on your resume here are some reminders of ways to revise them to your advantage.  Keep in mind: Get to the point quickly.

1)      Responsible for
Doesn’t every job come with responsibilities?  Instead speak to the outcome of your responsibility.from: Responsible for production costs….
to: Improved profit margins by reducing production costs 10% in three months.

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So What Did You Actually Accomplish? 5 Steps to Make Your Resume Shine

If I had a dollar for each time in the past year I’ve heard friends and relatives say they need to find a new job…well… you get the picture. Nevertheless, many are frustrated, discouraged, and just plain tired of the job-seeking process, however necessary it may be. A major obstacle that leaves many job-seekers stuck in their tracks is building a winning resume. A task that more often than not, feels more like a major construction job than a simple modification. The truth is, revitalizing your resume doesn’t have to be difficult, or an obstacle that slows you down as long as you’re revamping it with the correct focus in mind.

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