Some of the most common questions I hear from job seekers have to do with if/when/how to follow-up. Whether you’ve met a new contact, submitted a resume or gone in for interviews, appropriate follow-up is critical. Use your specific situation to determine how to best follow-up. Here are the basic guidelines as a start: Read More
Dressing for Success
We’ve all heard you should “dress for success” but when it comes to job interviews, it’s tricky to know how to dress. A rule of thumb is to dress just a bit more conservatively than people dress where you are interviewing. For example: Read More
How to Balance Hustling and Family
Our guest blogger today is Carter Rabasa. Carter is a husband, father of two beautiful daughters, part-time developer and full-time evangelist for @Twilio. He lives in Seattle and you can follow up on Twitter @CarterRabasa.
TL;DR – My happiness with my job (the company I work for, the people I work with, the things I do) is so high that it makes me a happier person. This is something that my family can feel on a daily basis. It more than offsets some of the challenges with this non-traditional job. Read More
Keeping Your Age from Being an Issue
Age discrimination is illegal so your age should not be an issue in your job search. At least that’s how it’s supposed to be. In reality, some feel their age might be a liability in their job search. A strategy to avoid the issue is to keep your age out of it until you’ve had the chance to sell yourself as a great match for a position.
Job Openings: Vertafore is Hiring
Vertafore is hiring. Their website tells a little about the company:
Vertafore, Inc. is a leading provider of software and information to the insurance industry including independent agents, brokers, MGAs, carriers and reinsurers. For more than 30 years, Vertafore has leveraged a unique industry presence to deliver meaningful solutions—powerful technology, critical information and robust insights to help organizations effectively respond to business challenges and capture new opportunities. Vertafore solutions have helped more than 17,000 customers and 500,000 end users gain a competitive advantage to accelerate their business performance.
It goes on to list job openings in these areas:
Accounting (1)
Customer Service (6)
Human Resource (1)
Information Technology (4)
Marketing/Product Marketing (4)
Product Development (16)
Product Management (1)
Professional Services (4)
Quality Assurance (1)
Sales (12)
Learn more on the Vertafore website.