Category: Software company

From Musician to Software Developer – Career Transition with CodeFellows’ Ruby on Rails Boot Camp

CodeFellows of Seattle is one of the several coding boot camps that have sprouted up around the country, particular at the major technology hubs, such as San Francisco, New York, and Chicago.  With a $4,000-9,000 tuition and 3-6 weeks of intensive training, CodeFellows guarantees a $60k job within 6 months of graduation or your money back.  Given that my work at Jobfully has been focusing on working with software talent on their career planning, development and transition, I had been very curious about the work at CodeFellows. Read More

How to Get Hired at Start-ups (Part 1)

For many people, working at a startup is exciting, and it’s not hard to understand why. You can get in on the ground floor, be a part of a team that creates something new and with high potential. That’s why it’s so cool to work for a startup, but that’s also why it’s not easy to actually get a job with one. Competition is fierce, but with the right knowledge and approach, you can find a way to make the cut. Read More

How to Get a Job as a Developer in Less Than Six Months

Today our guest blogger is Jeff Baird.  Jeff is a Ruby on Rails developer at  You can find Jeff hacking at and documenting the process at  Follow Jeff on Twitter @Jeffrey_Baird.

So the month of June came and went, and so did July. A lot has happened, but I wasn’t able to complete my goals.

I did, however, make huge strides in my programming skills — so huge, in fact, that I was hired as a junior developer at Medivo!

This post is about how I got hired for my dream job with less than six months of programming experience. Read More

How to Balance Hustling and Family

Our guest blogger today is Carter Rabasa.  Carter is a husband, father of two beautiful daughters, part-time developer and full-time evangelist for @Twilio.  He lives in Seattle and you can follow up on Twitter @CarterRabasa.

TL;DR – My happiness with my job (the company I work for, the people I work with, the things I do) is so high that it makes me a happier person. This is something that my family can feel on a daily basis. It more than offsets some of the challenges with this non-traditional job. Read More

Getting an Engineering Job at Google – The Interview Process

Google frequently tops “Best Companies to Work For” lists.  We recently talked to a technical recruiter at Google (Seattle/Kirkland) and learned some details about their interview process for software engineers.

The Work – Public and Non-public Projects

Google has about 1,200 people in their Seattle area offices, with more than 85 on-going projects.  About one-third of these projects can be shared with people during the interview process.  Read More